Aggression Sessions: Meet the boxers
Putting their reputation in the ring to fight for charity
Boxers for aggression sessions have been training hard over the last four months and on Thursday 28th February they will be entering the ring to fight for a very important cause – the prevention of young suicide.
This is Durham University’s biggest charity sparring event and with an existing new twist this year as the Bailey and Hill colleges go head to head it promises to be one of the best nights in the year.
The boxers will be raising money for PAPYRUS, a national charity dedicated to preventing young suicide. They work exceptionally hard to provide help and advice to young people, working with and training professionals as well as campaigning to influence national policy all in an effort to prevent young suicide. This cause is more relevant than ever with suicide being the biggest killer of young people- male and female- under 35 in the UK.
With that, here are you boxers:
Nick "thank you, next" Harrington – Hatfield
What do you bring to the ring?
A 5/10 rig and a marginally receding hairline.
Fighting talk one liner:
My opponent couldn't hit me with a handful of rice.
What is your greatest weakness?
Sometimes I hit too hard. These other boxers have families.
Dave "The Diva" Weaver – Cuth's
What do you bring to the ring?
Why do you think it's important to be raising money for the prevention of young suicide?
Young suicide has become a sad reality and by bringing awareness towards this cause we can hopefully have a positive impact in preventing it.
How has the training helped other parts of your life?
It was place to meet more people and get into shape at the same time.
If you could fight any boxer who would it be and why?
Oscar Wright, easy knockout.
Linnea "The Swedish Slayer" Bengtsson– Hatfield
What do you bring to the ring?
I’m going to bring my housemates, who are getting very into the outfit decisions! Watch this space.
Fighting talk one liner:
I’m less about the chat, more about the execution. Let’s get the job done, then celebrate! Also, I think of come backs a week down the line, so I’m the easiest victim here.
What are you most looking forward to?
I’m most looking forward to inspiring and encouraging other girls to try out next year. Contact sports aren’t just for guys, girls! Aggression Sessions is now in its fifth year, and from one novelty girls’ fight in Year 1, it makes me really excited to see we now have 8 girl fighters.
Why do you think you'll take the win?
I have played lacrosse for Sweden in two world cups, so I’m no stranger to getting battered and bruised.
Lucy "The Blonde Bomber" Roper – Van Mildert
What do you bring to the ring?
Gloves, a mouth guard and a pair of trainers.
Fighting talk one liner:
Please don’t land a hay-maker on the money maker.
What is your greatest weakness?
Pre-ban, a Palatinate blazer on a Wednesday night players.
Ben "Bones" Jones– CASTLE
Why do you think it's important to be raising money for the prevention of young suicide?
Mental health and suicide are topics which are often kept under wraps for fear of negative consequences. Events like this show people that it’s okay to speak out. They can find comfort in a community and it is essential to giving such problems the exposure they need.
What do you bring to the ring?
Black Country passion and a top lid.
What is your greatest weakness?
Knowing when to rest.
How has the training helped other parts of your life?
The dedication and structure that training gives you has helped me be more productive outside the gym, and have better relationships too. As they say, the way you do one thing is the way you do everything.
Oscar "One two, left" Wright- Cuth's
Why do you think it's important to be raising money for the prevention of young suicide?
Young people often find it difficult to talk about their issues or confront them in any way, so PAPYRUS plays a vital role in helping to break down barriers and help those who need it.
Which of your friends would you want in your walkout?
Louis Pharaony because he starts to struggle if he doesn’t get attention at least once an hour.
What are you most looking forward to?
Getting a seven second knockout.
If you could fight any boxer who would it be and why?
Floyd Mayweather for the fight purse.
Katie "Hitman" Hoyland – Cuth's
What do you bring to the ring?
Sub (s)par chat (told you)
What is your greatest weakness?
If you could fight any boxer who would it be and why?
Anthony Joshua, any excuse to touch those abs.
Fighting talk one liner:
Your mum is so dumb she stared at a juice carton for 20 minutes because it said concentrate.
Mille "Cheeky Hook" Cooke – Hild Bede
What do you bring to the ring?
A whole lotta $a$$ and a whole lotta a$$.
What are you most looking forward to?
Getting a good pic for the gram.
What is your greatest weakness?
Ed Hurle’s rig.
Why do you think you'll take the win?
The ref says I will.
Sam"Pint Sized" Carling – Hatfield
Why do you think it's important to be raising money for the prevention of young suicide?
Suicide and mental health issues have been gaining publicity (quite rightly) for a while now raising awareness but charities aiming to provide support to young people considering taking their own lives need financial support to effect change in society and young peoples lives.
Fighting talk one liner:
Is that all you’ve got?
If you could fight any boxer who would it be and why?
David Stieg Weaver, to see if I could stop him talking for just one second.
What do you bring to the ring?
17 stone of flesh and bone.
James "El Helicoptero" Inge – Mary's
Why do you think it's important to be raising money for the prevention of young suicide?
Youth suicide is a massive issue in the UK; raising awareness for it is a more than worthwhile cause so that people can be supported in any way possible.
Fighting talk one liner:
Hi my name is James.
What do you bring to the ring?
What are you most looking forward to?
Having a celebratory pint after getting the W then passing out.
The event can be found here
Information about Papyrus can be found here