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Hatfield suddenly charge second years for last year’s Freshers’ Week

People are ‘absolutely fuming’ at the shock invoice


Hatfield JCR treasurer, Samuel Goring, has recently circulated an email to second years, explaining that a year after purchasing the Hatfield 2018 freshers' wristband and college gown, second year students are being charged a hefty £72 sum one year on.

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The email that second year students received

The £72 charge constitutes £53 for gown purchase and £19 for the Freshers' Week wristband.

There is no apology added but a nod to the "significant outstanding debt to the JCR".

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It has been speculated on Durfess that Hatfield’s JCR overspent by over £44,000 last academic year, however this has not been verified.

The Durfess post also argues that the administrative error "is no excuse" for the sudden charge, since not everyone will have £72 to spare.

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A second year student at Hatfield told the Tab Durham: "I just don’t believe that Hatfield can pay for brand new boats in the same year and then try to charge everyone that much", referencing the claim that the JCR have spent £10,000 on new equipment and boats for the college rowing team.

They also added that they "don't have a spare £72 [they] didn’t budget for".

Samuel Goring has been approached for comment.