No suspected coronavirus after ambulances seen outside Durham college
Tonight’s formal has been called off as the college ‘have no option but to cancel’
There are no suspected coronavirus cases at the uni after ambulances and paramedics in white body suits were spotted outside John Snow college last night.
One eyewitness describes seeing people wearing white body suits, and videos show two ambulances outside the college.
John Snow college initially stated that they were dealing with a “serious incident”, and cancelled tonight’s formal as a result. Durham University now says that no major incident has occurred, and that there are now no suspected cases of coronavirus at the uni.
A John Snow student told The Durham Tab: “I saw two ambulances outside my block. They were bringing the student back and escorting them into their halls after taking them away earlier. All of this happened around 10.30pm.”
Tonight’s formal remains cancelled despite “no major incident” having occurred. An email from John Snow’s JCR this morning told students “We are dealing with a serious incident and unfortunately we have to cancel tonight’s formal. We apologise for the short notice but we have no option but to cancel the event. Full refunds will be arranged today.”
Durham University told the Durham Tab they could not comment on the reason behind the ambulances outside John Snow due to “patient confidentiality.”
A spokesperson for the North East Ambulance service did not comment, but instead said anything related to coronavirus should be handled by Public Health England or the Department for Health and Social Care.
Public Health England do not comment on suspected cases of coronavirus.
The Department for Health and Social Care refused to comment on individual cases.