The Billy B café is back from Monday!

Brb off to get my Tex Mex sub

It is the news we have all been waiting for: the Billy B café will be welcoming us back with open arms on Monday 26th April, just in time for the start of term.

It will currently be open seven days a week from 8am-8pm on weekdays, and 10am-6pm at the weekends, and only those who have booked a library slot will be able to preorder food and drink from its click and collect system.

This is of course devastating news for those of us whose only encounter with the Billy B so far has been to pick up a Tex Mex sub, but maybe a good excuse to actually try and do work for once? With Billy B slots being so infamously difficult to come by, this is all the more reason to be even more vigilant in attempting to secure a study space.

During exam period, all study spaces will be ‘Quiet Zones’, but thankfully the powers that be have decided to keep the library open 22 hours a day. No indication yet of what these 22 hours will be, but as long as its not closed during café opening times, I don’t care.

Officially named the Small Island Café, as Bill Bryson book fanatics and café regulars will no doubt know, the café was closed throughout Epiphany Term due to Covid-19. Fingers crossed it stays open long enough for us all to catch up on its top tier meal deals.