10 holiday destinations that are cheaper to get to than a train ticket from Durham to London
£100 just to get home? I’d rather pay less and go on holiday thanks
If you’re facing the end-of-term blues, and a walk around Observatory Hill just isn’t cutting it, you might have thought about getting away for a weekend.
It’s easy to be tempted in by the blinding lights of London, but a quick look on Trainline will reveal that to get there and back in the Christmas period is going to cost you on average a hefty £100. What’s more, when you get there, a meal deal is going to cost you more than a week’s rent on Hallgarth.
In a time where living on a cruise ship has become cheaper than living at home, London is simply not a reasonable holiday destination, and really tough luck to Londoners who have no choice but to fork out a month’s food budget. Well, not to panic, because here’s a handy list of ten much cheaper, and quite frankly nicer, holiday destinations.
1. Frankfurt
Although a Frankfurt sausage may not top the northern beauty that is a Greggs sausage roll, Frankfurt the city is a decent place to visit, especially when you know that you can get a return flight from just £30. Plus, you’d only be a train ride away from the formidable Berghain nightclub or the stag-do capital Hamburg, where you can get some much-needed masterclasses in pulling.
2. Faro
If like me, you could spend a half term in Walkergate Nando’s, you’ll probably enjoy a trip to Faro. However, only Jet2 will fly you there for £33, so you better be prepared to listen to Jess Glynne a few times too many.
3. Marrakesh
Probably the most impressive piece of my research on this list is the revelation that you can literally fly to Africa for less hard-earned money than to London. The difference may only be the price of a few Woodgates (its still going to cost you around £90) but in a time when turning your radiator on costs more than feeding the 5000, every penny counts.
4. Amsterdam
Okay, I know what you’re all thinking, but in truth, Amsterdam is not that different to Durham. Both cities are renowned for their special cafes, and you can easily find some ladies dancing on tables if you go to The Bishop’s Mill on a Saturday night. What’s better, you can get to this home away from home for much less than you could do London – only £29.99. Sadly, the doctor’s visits and scran you’ll need when you get back are not included in this price.
5. Malaga
If you fancy living out your Benidorm fantasies on the beach, this could be the holiday destination for you. A return flight can cost as little as £35, which means you’ll have plenty of money left over to spend some sun cream for your pasty Durham skin.
6. Milan
This one is for all the Depop girlies out there. For just £24, you can fly to the fashionable Milan to strut your stuff alongside other budding fashionistas. Essential items to pack include your grandad’s coat, some stinky cowboy boots and a scarf tinier than St Mary’s bar.
7. Brussels
The thought of visiting a place named after the tiny green balls of cabbage you have with your Christmas dinner may be a terrifying prospect, but apparently there’s more to Brussels than sub-par vegetables. If a night on Belgian beer and Belgian waffles sounds better than a night on Zesty White and Paddy’s, then book your flights now for only £24.
8. Poznan
Although Poznan, Poland might not be on your bucket list, it definitely should be. Whether you’re interested in seeing the world-famous goat clock in the market square, or interested in sinking a few £1.83 pints, Poznan has something for everyone. What’s better, you can fly there from just £16.
9. Paris
Cliché or not, Paris is undeniably a must-see, and for only £30, you can get the ferry across the channel. Okay, granted, for this one, you’ll need a car, someone stupid enough to agree to drive, and some fuel money, but with a trusted friend on the aux, the journey could be the highlight of the holiday. Just remember to bring back some Eiffel tower key rings for your flatmates who will have to listen to you talking about the trip for the rest of their lives.
10. Riga
If you’re fed up with seeing the Hatfield football society animals around town on a Wednesday night, and fancy some real wildlife, you could head to Riga, which is home to an infamously average zoo. It’s also a history haven, but if you’re looking to be surrounded by nerds, just save the £35 flight payment, and stay in Durham.
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