Just because we go to Warwick, it doesn’t mean we’re boring
It’s more fun than people give it credit for
Warwick may be a top 10 university with fantastic graduate prospects and worldwide recognition, but among students there’s a far more negative perception of the uni.
Admittedly, I arrived at Warwick with these same assumptions firmly planted in my own mind. I thought that coming to Warwick meant that I’d pretty much sacrificed my social life. I looked at friends going to Leeds, Nottingham or Manchester and seethed with jealousy.
But, I was wrong and so is everyone else with this opinion.
Warwick is not all work and no play
So the rumours about a heavy work load are admittedly quite accurate. If you plan on studying maths then RIP, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t do anything else. Most people are part of societies, go out regularly and are always up for a laugh. The library isn’t always completely full, although exam season is a different story.
The nights out are actually good
This is probably the worst lie floating round about Warwick. People think there are no clubs and nothing to do when in reality they couldn’t be more wrong. There is somewhere to go every night of the week.
Smack, Altoria and Kasbah are havens for Warwick students, while Neon on a Friday remains the way to ring in the weekend at Warwick. Beyond the big three clubs, other venues such as Zephyr Lounge and Assembly Rooms put on events all the time. You can get everything from funk and soul to drum n bass, or even bashment and afrobeats.
Let’s not forget the ridiculous number of bars and pubs in Leam as well: Clink, Moo bar and The Duke are all hotspots. Not forgetting the iconic hub of Kelsey’s, eliminator is quite literally life changing and the easiest way to guarantee you’ll be limping home.
There are loads of societies
Warwick has over 250 hugely active societies. We’ve got everything from Cocktail Club to Bridge, Breakdance to Pole and even a chocolate and cheese society. There is quite literally something for everyone.
Warwick sport is massive
Sport is actually pretty big here. There are 65 sports clubs ranging from Lacrosse, Swimming, Rugby, American football to Ice Hockey. Not only are sports clubs a fantastic way to keep fit, they give you the opportunity to become friends with loads of new people.
Tours are also a great way to make lasting friendships and the ski tour before Christmas is usually massive.
Varsity against Coventry uni is a yearly tradition and even though we always win, most of the clubs still love to get involved.
The people are bants
Everyone assumes Warwick will be full of bookworms in bed by 11pm and locking themselves in their rooms, when really it couldn’t be more different. You’re more likely to end up sitting in someone’s room at 4am killing yourself laughing as the idiot in your block tries to poke someone awake by pushing a branch through their window.
Most people are up for a laugh and not at all stuck up or boring. You will find people who will want to go out more than once a term, shocking I know, and your flatmates can end up being some of the best people you have ever met.
It’s what you make of it
As with most unis Warwick is what you make of it – there are plenty of fun and cool people here and you can make friends for life in such a short time.
Being fun is not defined by going to a different city club every night with flatmates you may well hate! It’s about you putting yourself out there and being willing to give anything a go.
So no, just because we go to Warwick, we aren’t necessarily boring.