The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
The choice is in your hands
Some worry this will deter international students
The good girl gone bad
It sets the standard for shit clubs
She’s cultured, cute and caring
She’s “tall”, “gorgeous” and “her booty is goals”
The competition was fierce
The smack-loving social butterfly is a catch
He’s been “working hard for this”
He’s got abs of steel and a heart of gold
He’s basically Warwick’s own Troy Bolton
It’s gonna be LIT
He’s already spent a night in jail
Do not underestimate his majesty
He’s the best bouncer in Rootes
An administrative error led to a huge payout
Nothing to see here
Colossus always gave you whiplash
Gutted if you get Reek
It beat gin four times the price
Huaraches are still embarrassing
We are literally begging at this point
Everyone’s favourite polar bear is on his way to Coventry
Just ask Women’s Hockey what he’s really like
‘There is not a single student who hasn’t been exposed to the biggest presence on campus’
‘It was essentially 6,000 words of bullshit on bullshit’
The Conservatives were the second most popular party
‘All the parties promise things they can’t deliver, it’s frustrating’
Celebrities don’t have an obligation to show you their ‘real selves’ on Instagram
The Wetherspoon pub was a favourite among students living in Leamington Spa
It’s more fun than people give it credit for
We can do more than twerk you know
‘The free bread oven for a week has always been a priority’
Just like Karen from Mean Girls, she says her boobs can tell if it’s going to rain
Yes, we do count as London
Because learning to jet pack would be a better use of time than waiting for the U1 in rush hour
An ode to Coventry’s best worst night out
Warwick hit the top 20 in THE world rankings of international unis
They received an honourable mention in the “International Partnerships” category