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Dave Aziz is Warwick’s Maddest Fresher 2017

He’s got to get that tattoo now

Dave Aziz, the first year History and Sociology student who also moonlights as a bouncer in his spare time, has been crowed Warwick's Maddest Fresher 2017.

Dave sought off fierce competition to scoop the prize, with just 20 votes between him and runner up Brandon Conde-Nieto.

When we told Dave that his hair bleaching antics and security guard stint had won him the title he was ecstatic.

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Dave dyed his hair blonde after losing a game of hide and seek

He did end up feeling a bit bad for his mum because of another stupid bet he'd made with his flatmate when he was first nominated.

He'd promised to get a tattoo if he won the prestigious title, and for that he could only say: "Sorry Mum."

But Dave says beyond the tattoo job things will be back to normal for him, and as always he's up for hire as the best bouncer on campus.