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Warwick’s most eligible bachelorette 2018 nominee: Claire Koster

She’s “tall”, “gorgeous” and “her booty is goals”

The latest nominee for Warwick's Most Eligible Bachelorette 2018 is second- year Psychology student, Claire Koster, whose friends are "surprised she hasn't been cuffed already."

According to friends, the avid athlete absolutely "loves the sesh" and is always down to go out and have a good time as she is "the most outrageous and fun girl on campus." On Wednesdays she can be found either circling with tennis or "keeping the socials alive for Warwick Athletics club."

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When Claire is out getting smashed, she's often batting away attention. One friend told The Tab that "getting a kiss off this lovely lady is a rarity, she won't waste her time on any boy lower than an 8."

Apparently, she also "has a talent for spotting fuckboys and steering clear, a talent many of us need."

When she's not putting her fuckboy radar to use, Claire is probably busy being one of the best friends you could find.

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As one of her nominators told The Tab: "Claire is one of the kindest and most supportive people I have ever met, there has never been a time I haven’t laughed when I’ve been around her she has an incredible sense of humour."

When we told Claire she'd been nominated for Warwick's most eligible bachelorette she was flattered, and told us: "I would just like to thank whoever nominated me, my mother will be so proud."

The vote for Warwick’s most eligible bachelorette will open soon, nominations remain open.