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Warwick’s most eligible bachelorette nominee 2018: Charlotte Ganney

The good girl gone bad

The next nominee is Charlotte Ganney, a second year psychology student.

Her nominator says that she is "a woman of many talents", one of which is being able to respond to any of the following names: "Ganney, Chaz, Chazmataz, Gan da man, Gange, Char or Gan Gan."

But Charlotte is more than just her amazing memory, she's an active girl. Friends say that if she's not "playing hockey on the swanky new water-based Astro", then she is probably "strutting her stuff on library floor 2 in her gym gear."

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She's originally "a boarding school good girl from Hertfordshire", but friends say that doesn't mean she's not a bad girl at heart.

When we told Charlotte that she'd been nominated for Warwick's most eligible bachelorette she was surprisingly unbothered.

She told The Tab: "I'm not all that surprised to be nominated to be honest, I already knew my friends were arseholes."

Now she just wants to work out which one of them actually nominated her…

The vote for Warwick's most eligible bachelorette 2018 will open soon.